The Newest Male Hair Trend
That’s right, you heard me correctly. The new latest and greatest hair trend making waves (pun intended) across the nation is crimping. If y

Trick-or-Treat, 38 Years Later
headHunters was built on hard work and long hours. But, everyone already knows that story. A story that many people don’t know is how our an

REMIX! My Top 5 Places to Eat and Drink on Pensacola Beach
So scrolling through my facebook feed last week, I saw a few friends had liked a list ranking the top 10 places to eat and drink on...
Roses for One of Our Own
Check out this amazing write up by Sean Smith on Ellen Hunt! Ellen is a staple and part owner of Headhunter Hairstyling and in her free...
Blue Angel #5 and Fat Albert Escort Capt. Jeff Kuss Home
Growing up in Pensacola you come to realize that the bases are a huge part of Pensacola’s identity and foundation. The Navy and Air Force...

Lionfish are Ripping the Pensacola Ecosystem Apart
Many of you know but some do not. We have a serious epidemic on our hands, and it's happening just below the surface of our Gulf. We have...

Junior Golf in Pensacola
The smell of freshly cut grass, the morning dew in the air, the cool breeze shifting around you as you take a practice cut. We're talking...
Pray these kids will do the right thing
"Fourth-graders welcome to name the two boats that will ferry passengers between Pensacola and Fort Pickens Gulf Islands National...
The Chaos is Upon Us
Getting ready for the first wedding of two in 57 days! Honey do list is hell-aciously long and my wallet is bleeding cash. But the big...
The Quick Snip
Welcome to the Quick Snip! For those who don't know, my name is Jeff Hunt and I am Owner/Barber of Headhunter Hairstyling. I've been...